
Private Doctor Services

Private Doctor Services

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)

Health is being looked at from a range of aspects: family, society, environment, economy, culture, etc. This multitude of perspectives allow us to develop holistic and well-suited healthcare regimes.

As an empathetic companion who is like a family member, T-Matsuoka Care, with a team of “Private Doctors”, not only manages and takes care of your physical health, but also listens to your emotions, understands your needs and shares your life experiences.

That acts as the vehicle for T-Matsuoka Care to accompany You along your journey of holistic health improvement every
day, by reminding and giving You advice on your lifestyle and habits to bring about positive changes.

Why you should have a Private Doctor?

The body is a complete “machine”, and needs to be regularly inspected and monitored. When even a single part malfunctions, the whole machine is bound to be affected.

  • Thanks to your Private Doctor, you have a reliable medical fulcrum that always takes care of your body and well manages your risk factors so they won’t start to interfere with your health and life.
  • Thanks to your Private Doctor, you can have peace of mind in emergency situations.
  • Thanks to your Private Doctor, you can rest assured with holistic and continuous healthcare solutions.

The principles of T-Matsuoka Care Private Doctor Services

The strength of T-Matsuoka Care’s professionally managed and conscientious team of Private Doctors is underpinned by the following four principles:

1. Holistic

  • The human body is a magical machine: Complete and unified

Not restricting themselves to a specific organ, condition or age group. Private Doctors at T-Matsuoka Care will get to work grasping your whole medical history and getting to grips with the links and connections in your body and the state of your health. They are particularly vigilant against even the smallest abnormalities to help You “communicate” with specialists and connect with the medical system if need be.

  • Both physical and mental health

Your Private Doctor helps ensure that you’re holistically healthy, physically and mentally.

A manifestation of pain can come from stress or psychological phobia, and may lead to unpredictably severe consequences. To help you stay mentally healthy, T-Matsuoka Care’s Private Doctors will be there to listen to you without judgment, share their advice and develop the most suitable healing plan.

2. Continuous

  • When you’re healthy and when you’re sick

Your health is changing over the years. Private Doctors will accompany you at all times along that journey. They continuously monitor and update details about the state of your health at each specific milestone: When you’re still healthy, when you’re sick, when you’re undergoing treatment, during your regular health checkups and specialist visits, etc.

  • Prevention is better than cure

Thanks to such personal medical profile, Private Doctors will have the basis to continuously manage your health and plan its maintenance, and to promptly detect risk factors and advise on how to nip them in the bud starting with your lifestyle to prevent the onset of diseases.

3. Proactive

Whether you remember it or not, the “proactive” principle will always be upheld by T-Matsuoka Care’s Dedicated Doctors.

  • Proactively remind You to maintain healthy living habits.
  • Proactively monitor Your medication use. Give prescriptions that are optimal to your condition, control your drug response and have in place adjustment plans to achieve maximum treatment efficacy.
  • Proactively monitor Your health status and concerns, share and analyze your family genealogies, living environment, social relationships, etc. to develop personalized medical solutions.
  • Proactively monitor and remind outpatient clients to adhere to the regimen agreed with specialists to achieve maximum treatment efficacy. Timely adjust the regimen appropriately to prevent complications.

4. Timely

24/7 – Be right there when you need someone

Private Doctors are the first line of defense to help customers handle non-acute health problems at home, tailor solutions to each client and help minimize inpatient treatment at medical facilities.

In the face of a client’s emergency situation, severe abnormalities, etc., Private Doctors will always accompany them and be there to reassure them and promptly handle issues, minimizing serious complications thanks to an intimate understanding of the client’s medical profile.

Package price:

8.000.000 - 12.000.000₫

1. Personalized health care package advanced

A. Benefits of comprehensive health profiling & long-term comprehensive health care
1.Conduct an initial comprehensive health assessment and recommend necessary clinical services to investigate/evaluate overall health status (physical and mental). Assess/Evaluate the health-related factors from the living environment, and the family’s nutritional habits
2. Gather the family’s past medical history and establish a family tree to track genetic-related illnesses
3. 1-year proactive health monitoring tracking record
4. Proactively monitor, provide health care and adjust care plan as needed continuously for patients
B. Direct benefits to be used at TMC (times)
1. Periodic health check with personal doctor (3 times)
2. Specialized examination with leading doctors/Associate Professors/PhDs of TMC (According to the list of Doctors listed on T-Matsuoka’s website from time to time, excluding the Professional Council – 2 times)
3. Periodic health check with personal doctor at home (during working hours – 1 times)
4. Telephone consultations with personal doctor via Telehealth
5. Proactively update health indicators, compare, evaluate progress and adjust prescriptions (if any)
6. Consult with leading experts/specialists when there are health problems that require in-depth examination (Responsible and connected by BSR)
7. Proactively reminder of health care schedule (Health check/medication/vaccination schedule…)
8. Free of charge for nurses to take test samples at home (According to the doctor’s testing instructions at TMC (if any – 2 times)
9. Medical secretary, guides and supports customers for in-depth examinations at affiliated hospitals (As prescribed by the TMC doctor based on the patient’s diagnosis – 2 times)

2. Personalized heath care package basic

A. Benefits of comprehensive health profiling & long-term comprehensive health care
1. Conduct an initial comprehensive health assessment and recommend necessary clinical services to investigate/evaluate overall health status (physical and mental)
2. Assess the family’s nutritional habits and establish a family tree to track genetic-related illnesses
3. 1-year proactive health monitoring tracking record
4. Proactively monitor, provide health care and adjust care plan as needed continuously
B. Direct benefits to be used at TMC
1. Periodic health check with personal doctor (2 times)
2. Specialized examination with leading doctors/Associate Professors/PhDs of TMC (According to the list of Doctors listed on T-Matsuoka’s website from time to time, excluding the Professional Council – 1 times)
3. Telephone consultations with personal doctor via Telehealth
4. Proactively update health indicators, compare, evaluate progress and adjust prescriptions (if any)
5. Consult with leading experts/specialists when there are health problems that require in-depth examination (Responsible and connected by BSR)
6. Proactively reminder of health care schedule (Health check/medication/vaccination schedule…)
7. Free of charge for nurses to take test samples at home (According to the doctor’s testing instructions at TMC (if any – 1 times)
8. Medical secretary, guides and supports customers for in-depth examinations at affiliated hospitals (As prescribed by the TMC doctor based on the patient’s diagnosis – 1 times)

Other services


Dock (tiếng Anh) có nghĩa là bến tàu, Ningen (tiếng Nhật) có nghĩa là con người. Người Nhật Bản ví việc khám sức khoẻ giống như bảo trì một con tàu sau hành trình dài ngày trên biển. Ningen Dock là mô hình tầm soát sức khỏe Toàn diện – Chuyên sâu – Chi tiết – Chính xác – Hiệu quả đòi hỏi sự kết hợp giữa đội ngũ bác sĩ giàu kinh nghiệm cùng trang thiết bị hiện đại như máy MRI, CT, nội soi,… để đạt được mục đích là phát hiện rất sớm ung thư và các bệnh tiềm ẩn trong cơ thể trước khi có triệu chứng.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every 2 seconds, a person dies from cardiovascular disease. Every 5 seconds there is a case of heart attack and a stroke every 6 seconds. In Vietnam, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease accounts for 33%, higher than the number of deaths from cancer every year.


Theo ước tính của Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới WHO, mỗi năm có khoảng 17.5 triệu người tử vong do các bệnh lý tim mạch trên toàn thế giới. Tại nước ta, theo nghiên cứu của Hội Tim mạch, hiện có đến 25% dân số mắc bệnh tim mạch và tăng huyết áp. Vì những lý do trên nên việc tầm soát bệnh tim mạch là vô cùng cần thiết và là một trong những biện pháp hàng đầu nhằm bảo vệ sức khỏe của chính mình và những người thân yêu.


Theo Hội Ung thư Việt Nam, bệnh ung thư đường tiêu hóa đang có xu hướng gia tăng với hơn 8.000 ca mắc mới mỗi năm, trong đó có gần 5.000 ca tử vong. Ung thư đường tiêu hoá (ung thư đại trực tràng, dạ dày, thực quản…) nằm trong số những loại ung thư phổ biến hàng đầu. Trong đó, theo một nghiên cứu tại TP.HCM, ung thư dạ dày chiếm 6,8% ở nam giới và 3,7% ở nữ giới, còn tỷ lệ ung thư đại trực tràng ở nam và nữ lần lượt là 13,5% và 9,7%.

Tuy nhiên, ung thư đường tiêu hóa hoàn toàn có thể điều trị hiệu quả nếu phát hiện sớm và có phương pháp can thiệp chính xác, kịp thời.


Chúng tôi hiểu Khách hàng cần một sự lý giải thấu đáo, trung thực cho các triệu chứng của mình khi đến với T-Matsuoka Medical Center. Vì vậy, đội ngũ bác sĩ Nhật Bản và Việt Nam của chúng tôi dành nhiều thời gian để lắng nghe và tìm hiểu đến cùng vấn đề sức khỏe của từng Khách hàng để đưa ra đánh giá toàn diện.


Second opinion is the consultation with another doctor/medical facility, alongside the doctor/medical facility currently providing treatment to a Client, to resolve their concerns in treatment as well as to optimize the current treatment regimen, through new treatment methods and new perspectives.

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    Schedule a consultation appointment with the doctor

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